
Smartphone Android Grow 900 Percent Chance

Monday, November 28, 2011 | By Andro ID

The number of
smartphones that use the Android operating system made ​​by Google is expected to grow rapidly this year. Stategy Analytics analyst firm predicts the growth rate even reached 900 percent.

"Android has been getting good support from operators, vendors, and software developers," said Tom Kang, senior Strategy Analytics analysis in a statement released PCWorld. He said Android could occupy the upper ranks of the smartphone market in the next 2-3 years.

The first smartphone using the Android T-Mobile G1 achieve success in sales. In the six months since diluncurkna October 2008, smartphones have been sold up to one million units.

"Low-cost licensing model, semi-open-source structure and Google's support services into a combination that interests handset makers and wireless service providers," said Neil Mawston, other analysts from Strategy Analytics. For example HTC, Motorola, Samsung, T Mobile, and Vodafone.

Vodafone has just released the first Android smartphone under the name Magic. Samsung has showcased its first Android Smartphone i7500 in late April and began releasing into the European market next month. Similarly, Acer and Motorola promised to enter the smartphone market with Android later this year. So it is with Asus.

As a new player, the growth of the Android OS is very high is not too surprising. Apple iPhone has now become located at the top of the smartphone market is predicted to Strategy Analytics will only grow 79 percent this year.


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